December 24, 2014

Charity: The pure love of Christ

When I think of something being pure I think of completeness, whole, unblemished, and perfect. That is how Christ's love is. It is in no way conditional on our situations, obedience, or wholeness. Christ's love in infinite. Christ always wants to, and will be, there for us. He is the ultimate example of Charity. 

Moroni 7:47-48 "...pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of His Son, Jesus Christ..."

What a beautiful blessing! I am not expected to develop charity on my own. I just need to strive to follow Christ, then I will receive Christ. Even in my endeavor to follow Christ I will be aided. All I have to do is my best and accept the aid of my Savior. 

Attributes of Charity:
-suffereth long
-envieth not
-seeketh not her own
-not puffed up
-not easily provoked
-thinketh no evil
-rejoiceth in truth not evil
-beareth all things
-hopeth all things 
-endureth all things

I've been trying to work on all of this attributes daily. I invite you all to make daily goals to work on one or two of these attributes. I know that the blessing you will receive from following our Savoir's example will bring you more happiness than you can imagine. 

Amou VocĂȘs!!!
Sister Wright

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