June 22, 2015

Culture Shock

I've been in Brazil for almost a month now and am still learning so much. I knew that I would be soaking in a new language but I didn't realize how much I would be learning about the culture as well. I still feel like I'm in culture shock. 

Duing my two week stay in the MTC in São Paulo I learned quickly how warm and open the people are here. Everyone has so much love for the people around them. They are so open and will smile at and great anyone they see. 

In the MTC I also learned that Brazilians love Americans. During meals my small little district of Americans would sit down at a table and it would soon be full of people! The missionaries really enjoyed helping us learn the language. My companion and I shared a room with a Brazilian companionship and every night they would teach us new words. I always looked forward to spending evenings with Sister Ferreira and Sister Faria laughing and playing seraides to figure out what we were trying to say to each other. 

When it come to food here I have just accepted the fact that I won't know what I'm eating most of the time. It has been great so far though. I have found a new vegetable down here that I love! Its similare to a potato excet its more stringy. So good! Also make sure you know where the water people give you comes from here or you will regret it, promise.

One thing I love that doesn't happen down here is people slamming doors in our faces. It is fantastic! Everyone is so nice even when they don' want to hear our message. 

Something new I learned this past week was that you don't wave at people you don't know. Apparentl, it is a way of flirting. Whoops" You can say hello to everyone but waving is out. That is going to be a difficult habit to break. 

It has been a huge adjustment to life donw here, and I still miss my carpet, but I love it! I can feel God's love for the people here and I am so blessed to be surrounded by some of His choice children. 

Irmã Wright

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